Thursday, May 14, 2009

Anyone would help me out in this?

I am now running an on-line store--DVDSZONE-selling Cheap DVDs,DVD boxset with deep discount and free shipping.It has established over 3months,I have to say I really overestimated the orders and deals after a brilliant flourishing April in which it had bringed to me more than 30orders about US1,000(donot forget it's just 2months old)--Thanks for all the promotion working.Without much backlinks(no one would exchange it with a pr0 site),I normally did a lot of working on posting ads,uploading new items,updating news and I even used google adword for a while.It really worked and soon indexed by google then pr1,and got a sharp rise on Alexa rank.

Entering in May,still I got the same traffics,but with more unique visitor which means less and less loyal IP comes so with no order knocking.It's all left the problem of either the product itself or the website.

I am now changing a new template to see if there’s any possibility to make it back to normal.
Please,if you have any good advice,do give me a follow-up.
I would be more than pleased to talk more with you.

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